5 Key Ways On Structuring Your Technical Article

5 Key Ways On Structuring Your Technical Article

Key best practices to writing a well structured technical article


With many organizations having numerous writing needs from complex writing styles to organizational tone, there is a need to provide easy-to-comprehend technical documents that explain complex processes into simple information for users' and clients' needs.

What then is Technical Writing?

Technical writing is a specialized form of writing that helps break down complex information into simple documentation that is well structured for user guidance.

Types of Technical Writing

Process Documentation Writing

This is a specialized form of writing for internal use within an organization to enable teams to work on tasks with the aim of achieving the company's procedures.

Technical Marketing communications

This form of technical documentation helps communicate brand awareness in a user-friendly language and helps potential clients understand product benefits. You will usually find this kind of documentation in B2B organizations.

End-User Technical Writing

This form of writing helps users understand the functionality of a product and other troubleshooting challenges

Expert-Expert Technical Writing

This type of writing includes specialized documents such as research papers, legal documents and white papers

Examples of Technical writing

Company Documents

Annual Reports

Request for Proposals

Service Level agreement,

API Documentation

Standard Operation Procedure

User Guide

Software Installation

Key Ways You Can Write Structured Technical Documentation

One of the five key best practices for writing a structured Technical document is keeping tabs on the following:

  • the title of your technical article is important using the right keyword

  • An Introduction to your topic describing what problem you are solving in your write-up

  • A cover photo for telling what you are writing about, say if it talks about tech, finance, or other topic of interest

  • Well structured Subheadings

  • Clear photos or screenshots describing each stage of your write-up

  • Key takeaways and conclusion


You will agree with me on the above highlights on writing a well structured technical documentation requires knowing the specific niche your article is centered on and understanding your target audience.